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- "A bad workman always blames his fools." -- The 7th Doctor
- "Absence makes the nose grow longer." - The Doctor
- "Ace, give me some of that Nitro-9 you're not carrying."
- "Ah, the vastness of space and time... and I end up here..."
- "Brave heart, Tegan...it's only a hairball!"
- "Brigadier there is nothing to worry about" Doctor (4)
- "But Doctor, all these corridors look the same..."
- "But I am the Doctor. Check my hearts. "--Tom Baker as the Doctor
- "Care for a Jelly Baby?" -- The Doctor
- "Circular logic will only make you dizzy, Doctor."
- "Come on, Doc. Time to be a hero." -- Peri Brown AND Kira Nerys
- "Come, Fenric. Play the game of traps." -- The Doctor.
- "D-d-Doctor?" "You were expecting someone else?"--The SIXTH Doctor
- "Hi ho, Kermit the Doctor here..." the ultimate bad regeneration...
- "I am the Doctor." "Who?" "Precisely."
- "I died? Why don't I remember dying?" --The Doctor
- "I must admit to being as flabbergasted as you are." -- The Doctor
- "I think I might regenerate," the Doctor said shiftily.
- "I'll just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow." -- The Doctor
- "I'm sorry. Was I rambling again?" -- The Doctor
- "If my calculations are correct, and they always are..." The Doctor
- "Is this... Death?" -- The Doctor
- "It worked! Now if only I could remember what I did!" The Doctor
- "One grows tired of everything. Except power. "--Doctor Who
- "Pity? There is no such word in our vocabulary! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!!!!"
- "Sarah Jane, you keep thinking I'm dead!" -- The Doctor
- "Scream. I'll save you later." Ace to The Doctor, "No Future."
- "Scream. I'll save you later." The Doctor, "No Future."
- "Tell me Doctor, where are we goin' this time?"
- "There's more than one way, to cook a cat." --6th Doctor.
- "Time & Tide Melts the Snowman." --The 7th Doctor.
- "Too late, Peri. Time to say goodbye." -- The Doctor
- "Too many of your enemies would delight in your death, Doctor."
- "Unstable? Unstable!!!??? UNSTABLE!!!!?????" - The 6th Doctor
- "Who is the Doctor?" "You, are Number Eight." McGoohan as new Dr.
- "You wish to stop me, Doctor? Try!" -- The Master
- "You're needed! You mustn't die!" -- Nyssa
- 4 out of 5 Doctors ....... Leaves 1!
- 5 out of 7 Doctors: Pertwee, T. Baker, Davidson, C. Baker, and McCoy.
- @DY@? Blasted TARDIS is on the fritz again!
- A cosmos without The Doctor scarcely bears thinking about.
- Ah, you've come to help me find the Zero room. - 5th Doctor
- AMBLIN PRESS RELEASE: The New Dr. Who will be played by @N@.
- BakerDos 4.0: (O)ffer a jelly baby; (C)onfuse 'em; (S)earch pockets
- Can't? Can't? There's no such word as can't! <The Doctor>
- CARROT JUICE?!?! --6th Dr.
- Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon!--The SIXTH Doctor
- Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon!--The SIXTH Dr.
- ColinDOS 6.0- (A)dmire self, (R)epeat word 3 times, getting louder.
- Come, Doctor! It's as easy as pie! --The Master, 5 Doctors.
- Coming soon to BBC1: Doctor Who: The Next Regeneration.
- CompanionDos revision 9.0: (S)cream, (F)aint, (R)un away, (N)itro
- CompanionDos: (S)cream, (F)aint, (R)un away
- Crayola presents a new color! TARDIS BLUE!!!
- DalekDos: (S)eek (L)ocate (E)xterminate
- Dammit Leela, I'm a Time Lord, not a Trekkie!
- DavisonDOS 5.0: (S)mile (B)e charming (T)hrow cricket ball
- Deja Who: The feeling that you have seen this climactic ending before.
- Doctor Who does it in time.
- Eldrad MUST live!
- Emotions are alien to me. I'm a scientist. --The Rani AND Dr. Forrester
- Excuse me. Haven't we met somewhere before? <The Doctor>
- Four out of Five doctors agree that one doctor is lying.
- Garcon! Three glasses of water. Make them doubles. <The Doctor>
- HartnellDOS 1.0: (A)bort (R)etry (T)ug on Lapels
- Here - have a jelly baby!
- Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's Nitro-9 we throw! - Ace & 7 dwarves
- Holodeck designed by TARDIS Inc.
- I am Fourth Doctor of Borg. Your jelly babies will be assimilated.
- I am the Master, and you will obey me. You will rehire Colin Baker...
- I bet the Doctor could *confuse* the Borg.
- I can't stand burnt toast and I loathe bus stations. --The Doctor
- I Doctor Who.
- I dreamed I met a Gallifreyan; a most amazing man...
- I have only to look at the Graveyard to see that, milady. -6th Doctor
- I haven't gone by the name @LN@ since before you were born.
- I just reversed the polarity flow. <The Doctor>
- I know I left my TARDIS around here somewhere...
- I will not die before you do, you thunderous bulk! 6th Dr. companion.
- I wonder what you would do if you were me, boy, hmm? -The Master, Castrovalva
- I'd love to, but I have left my body in my other clothes.
- I'd love to, but my regeneration's starting...
- I'd Say More But I've Run Out of Time & Space.
- I'm a professional. I *know* what I'm doing. <The Doctor>
- I'm much too young to feel this damned old. --Any Time Lord.
- I'm sorry. Was I rambling again?
- It's a free cosmos! <The Doctor>
- It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for. - Fourth Doctor
- It's, it's, it's a Dalek Attack! --F. Mercury as a Whovian
- Just *once* I'd like to meet an alien that wasn't immune to bullets!
- Just 3 points- WHERE am I, WHO am I, & who're YOU? The Rani! --7th Doctor
- Just another wrinkle in the fabric of Time.
- Knock! Knock! (Who's there?) Doctor. (Doctor Who?) Who told you?!?
- Live from the TARDIS! It's the Control Room!
- My other TIME/SPACE machine is a TARDIS.
- Never mind about the time slip -- we're on holiday! <The Doctor>
- No, my dear Doctor, you must die!-- The Master
- Now, assuming that I'm right. And I invariably am... <The Doctor>
- Oh no! Not a Chronic Hysterisis... chronic hysterisis... chronic...
- PertweeDos 3.0: (A)bort (R)etry (V)enusian karate
- Real Daleks don't climb stairs. They level the building!
- Regenerative Fluid! Yuck! I'll be tasting THAT stuff for a week!
- Run! It's the Editor Dalek! "Expurgate tedious tagline! Expurgate!"
- Run, @FN@! Run!
- She's dying, Doctor.-- Sharaz Jek.
- Sim_Companion V1.0: (S)cream (W)hat now, Doctor? (G)et rescued
- Sorry, gotta go. My regeneration is starting.
- TARDIS Express: When it absolutely positively has to be there yesterday!
- TARDISDOS 3.0 : Bang fist on any part of the console to continue ...
- tBakerDos 4.0: (A)bort (R)etry (J)elly Baby
- That's the trouble with regeneration: You never know what you'll get.
- The Children of Davros shall rule!
- The Quest is the Quest. --The Doctor, "Underworld"
- The time travel convention two weeks from now was great!
- There's no point in being grownup if you can't act childish sometimes.
- Tinkering with time is always a bad idea. <The Doctor>
- TomDOS 4.0- (G)rin, (O)ffer a jellybaby, (T)rip on scarf
- TomDOS 4.01: Floppy hat support added
- TroughtonDOS 2.0: "When I say RUN, RUN!"
- Try the new TARDIS hard drive: Bigger inside than out!
- Turlough speaks the truth, Doctor. --Kamelion, "Caves of Androzani."
- Typical humans, you can always count on them to mess things up. 7th Doctor
- Very good! We'll have to give you a badge of Mathematical Excellence!
- Welcome aboard, I'm the Doctor, or will be if this regeneration works.
- Well, it's either Romana or Fred. OK, call me Fred. Very good Romana.
- Who are you? "The new num- ahem. The new Doctor Who." Leo McKern.
- William Hartnell: 1907-1975-- Shaka, when the walls fell.
- Wonderful chap, The Doctor. All of them. - Brig. L. Stewart
- You are no longer a Time Lord of the first rank, Morbius!
- You came in that thing? You're braver then I thought.
- You know, sometimes I amaze even myself. - The Doctor